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What readers are saying about Rosalind Burgundy's books…

Odyssey of an Etruscan Noblewoman

Odyssey of an Etruscan Noblewoman
"Two thumbs up! I loved this book. As a healer who uses herbs, I was fascinated by the main character and the intrigue surrounding her inability to practice medicine as a woman in her time. I hope the author will write another book using these or similar characters."

—Katie Lawler
Professional Acupuncturist
Davis, California

Read more about Odyssey of an Etuscan Noblewoman.

Tuscan Intrique

An Editor's choice award, the Editorial Review Board says:

Tuscan Intrigue
“Tuscan Intrigue is like a many-layered elegant dessert. The first layer is a mystery, 'Who nearly killed Amanda's father?' The second is a detective story as Amanda tries to uncover the bombers. The third is suspense as Amanda becomes the target of the villains. There is also a layer of romance with an additional dollop of magic, perfectly blended. Throughout, like icing, is information. The reader learns about international art dealings, Tuscany and Umbria, fine restaurants (the real names of some of the best in Italy), and the fascinating Etruscans of pre-Roman Italy. Taken together, with excellent writing and careful construction, this dessert is truly a delicious read!”

— Jack Karshaw
Manhattan, New York

Read more about Tuscan Intrigue.

Song of the Flutist by Rosalind Burgundy Song of the Flutist
“Upon completing this book, the third of Rosalind Burgundy's Etruscan trio, you will have your own opinion of the Flutist's message, his song. And perhaps Ms. Burgundy had a still different theme, but here is what I heard: characters who demanded access to you so they could tell their stories, live their lives, and leave their histories for all future generations. I'm sure Ms. Burgundy thinks she created the characters and their tales, but these are not the usual fragile beings of a fictional world; these are strong, sinewy people—men, women, fathers, daughters, wives, lovers who are aware of their influence not only on their contemporary world, but also on the future. Their words and actions seem to be dictating to the author what they want her to record. Yes, the author did her research—no doubt, painstakingly—but Ms. Burgundy did something much more valuable. She listened to their story, to their song. So that is how a forgotten civilization comes alive in all its rich layers. It's as if there is no narrator, no 'middleman.' The denizens of ancient Etruria speak for themselves. You can't get closer to the truth than that."

—S. M. Davidson, Ph.D., and 25 years Chair of Advanced Book Writers' Group,
West Palm Beach Library, FL

Read more about Song of the Flutist.